About the MayPay Cascade

The future of Bitcoin is local!

NOTICE: This is the Beta testing site, while we are in Beta testing no NFT’s will be deployed to those acting as Beta Testers, as soon as MayPay.info is launched all Beta testers will be able to print all the NFT’s they have in their personal cascade.

Cascade Marketing is the tool we use to reward our active members and drive the adoption of MayPay.info.

When you become a member of MayPay.info you automatically become a MayPay affiliate with access to these pages.

Being an active MayPay affiliate is your choice, and it’s a choice that could change your life for the better.

With MayPays unique member affiliate opportunity offered through the Cascade marketing proposition it gives our members the opportunity to build a robust passive income for their futures.

I will address the elephant in the room before I go any further, Cascade Marketing is not multilevel marketing or “MLM” as some may know it, with many MLM programmes the member is required to buy a product to sell on to the people they introduce, and should you ever leave an MLM network, for whatever reason, with a traditional MLM you would lose your network to the person above you!

Thats not with Cascade Marketing, because of its unique NFT and blockchain attributes the network you build is yours for your life time and beyond, that is all the advertisers and members you introduce to MayPay in your lifetime,

We do this by minting a unique NFT every time your member affiliate is used, or an advertiser is introduced by you to the site.

Introducing an advertiser could not be easier, if they accept crypto for their goods orservices their first year on MayPay is free for the full service, and when I say full service I mean full service.

MayPay is not just a advert, MayPay is a full service social site, advertises can post up to the minute offers, customers can post reviews and much more.

Before the end of the first year the advertiser will get a renewal notice, at that point they will have the choice to continue with the full service for a charge of 50€ a year, less than 1€ a week or have a basic listing.

MayPay is committed to returning more than 60% of its gross advertising revenue to its members which is how we fund the Cascade marketing rewards programme.

There are more exciting products to come from MayPay, this short explanation of product and service is just the beginning of our MayPay adventure.

If you are a member of MayPay just use your MayPay user and password to access your Cascade Marketing affiliate page, if you’re not a MayPay member click here to sign up on MayPay.info